[Télécharger] Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices de Philip Polstra Livres En Ligne
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Télécharger "Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices" de Philip Polstra Pdf Ebook
Auteur : Philip Polstra
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Professional & Technical,Engineering
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices shows you how to perform penetration tests using small, low-powered devices that are easily hidden and may be battery-powered. It shows how to use an army of devices, costing less than you might spend on a laptop, from distances of a mile or more. Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices shows how to use devices running a version of The Deck, a full-featured penetration testing and forensics Linux distribution, and can run for days or weeks on batteries due to their low power consumption. Author Philip Polstra shows how to use various configurations, including a device the size of a deck of cards that can easily be attached to the back of a computer. While each device running The Deck is a full-featured pen-testing platform, connecting systems together via 802.15.3 networking gives you even more power and flexibility. This reference teaches you how to construct and power these devices, install operating systems, and fill out your toolbox of small low-power devices with hundreds of tools and scripts from the book's companion website. Hacking and Pen Testing with Low Power Devices puts all these tools into your hands and will help keep you at the top of your game performing cutting-edge pen tests from anywhere in the world!
Télécharger Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices de Philip Polstra En Ligne
Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices ~ Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices shows how to use devices running a version of The Deck, a full-featured penetration testing and forensics Linux distribution, and can run for days or weeks on batteries due to their low power consumption. Author Philip Polstra shows how to use various configurations, including a device the size of a deck of cards that can easily be .
Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices ~ Many of these very low-cost devices are capable of running full operating systems, including many flavours of Linux. It was only a matter of time before they came to the attention of hackers. Penetration testers, for example, often have need of ‘drop boxes’ – small devices that can be left on the premises of the target organisation, hoovering up information via wired or wireless network .
Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices ~ Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices shows you how to perform penetration tests using small, low-powered devices that are easily hidden and may be battery-powered. It shows how to use an army of devices, costing less than you might spend on a laptop, from distances of a mile or more. Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices shows how to use devices running a .
CHAPTER Meet the deck 1 ~ Penetration testing (pentesting) is authorized hacking performed at the request of a client in order to ascertain how easily their digital security may be penetrated and steps that should be taken to improve their security posture. The need for penetration testing has led to the creation of a number of specialized Linux distributions. Up until now, these custom Linux distributions have been .
Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices - O ~ Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices shows you how to perform penetration tests using small, low-powered devices that are easily hidden and may be battery-powered. It shows how to use an army of devices, costing less than you might spend on a laptop, from distances of a mile or more.
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Les meilleurs livres pour apprendre à hacker / UnderNews ~ Les Bases du Hacking est une introduction aux techniques de hacking et aux tests d’intrusion. Grâce à des explications claires et à une approche originale, apprenez à utiliser tous les outils des professionnels de la sécurité et des hackers éthiques. Maîtrisez les quatre phases du test d’intrusion et du hacking: reconnaissance, scan, exploitation, post-exploitation. Informez-vous .
Amazon - Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power ~ Noté /5. Retrouvez Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices 1st edition by Polstra, Philip (2014) Paperback et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion
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Ethical Hacking Tools - Wireless Penetration Testing ~ Some of the popular tools used by hackers and penetration testers when doing network analysis or carrying out attacks. These tools work in real life situatio.
Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices ~ This book describes the addition of a kind of hacking and penetration testing more evolved and sophisticated than traditional and wired personal computer approach. The idea behind of this book is a low power penetration testing using tiny and cheap computers. Over the last four decades, computer chips have become smaller, cheaper and more powerful.
Hacking: Penetration Testing, Basic Security, and How To ~ Hacking: Penetration Testing, Basic Security, and How To Hack: Justin Hatmaker, Richard D. Hurd, Healing Habits Publishing, LLC: Amazon: Livres
Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices ~ Compre Hacking and Penetration Testing with Low Power Devices (English Edition) de Polstra, Philip na Amazon.br. Confira também os eBooks mais vendidos, lançamentos e livros digitais exclusivos.
Arch Linux — Wikipédia ~ Le 1 er octobre 2007, Judd Vinet abandonne la tête de Arch Linux au profit de Aaron Griffin [16].. Le projet change de logo en décembre 2007.. Jusqu'à la version 0.8 (Voodoo), Arch utilisait un schéma de parution particulier, les numéros de version indiquant des changements dans l'installateur et les paquets inclus sur le CD d'installation, et n'ayant aucun rapport avec une quelconque .
Penetration Testing A Hands-On Introduction to Hacking ~ Penetration testers simulate cyber attacks to find security weaknesses in networks, operating systems, and applications. Information security experts worldwide use penetration techniques to evaluate enterprise defenses.In Penetration Testing, security expert, researcher, and trainer Georgia Weidman introduces you to the core skills and techniques that every pentester needs.
Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide (English ~ Requiring no prior hacking experience, Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Guide supplies a complete introduction to the steps required to complete a penetration test, or ethical hack, from beginning to end. You will learn how to properly utilize and interpret the results of modern-day hacking tools, which are required to complete a penetration test. The book covers a wide range of tools .
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